Padre Americano!

My favorite show on television. Always.

American Dad was dropped by Fox and picked up by TBS. I’m going to miss the Sunday Night Lineup though! I was Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy, and then American Dad. My roommate and I used to sit down with a plate of chicken and watch them but now it’s ruined! Oh well.

The first three episodes of the season aired on Fox. The last one aired on TBS.

Episode 1 – Roger Passes the Bar
Roger is killing himself from working too hard. He gets sick and sells his bar to a chain. He becomes the chain’s representative and helps them make more money. He eventually buys the bar back and he is much happier. A new neighbor moved into the neighborhood and she is a registered sex offender and she employees Steve and his friends to fix up her house by flirting them and implying she was going to have sex with them. It turns out that she flips houses for a living by making young boys do it for her. Very funny episode! It was funny how Steve and his friends knew how to fix up a house, they were like master carpenters and it was hysterical.

Episode 2 – A Boy Named Michael
Roger is upset that the neighbors across the street, Greg and Terry, live a much more sophisticated life than he does. He says that Stan and the family are white trash. Greg and Terry announce that they are adopting a son from Russia and Roger intercepts the child, throws him out of an airplane, and pretends to be him so he gets adopted into their family. He loves the house and everything in it but then realizes that Terry is white trash also and decides to kill him. Terry realizes that Roger is going to tell Greg about his white trashness and decides to kill him as well. There is this whole awesome scene in the bathroom of a restaurant where Roger talks about killing Terry and people hear him in the bathroom so he says that he is going to kill him. A few people come out of the stalls and one of them happens to be a cheerleading squad and they have a tshirt giveaway and ah it was hysterical. Roger and Terry end up fighting on a canoe and Terry thinks that he kills Roger but Greg says it’s okay because Roger didn’t fit in anyway. Roger is upset and then goes back to the Smith’s.

Episode 3 –Ā Blagsnarst, A Love Story
Roger and Francine find a spaceship in the forrest and it turns out to be a furry female alien (voiced by Kim Kardashian). She and Roger date/hook up and then Roger decides to dump her. Roger tries to get rid of her but he can’t seem to shake her because she won’t let the relationship end. Roger tries to get rid of her by calling the CIA but then realizes he can’t let her get killed. He drives his car off the road after jumping out. The car crashes and goes up in flames, the furry alien’s fur burns off the reveal Kim Kardashian.

Episode 4 – Blonde Ambition
Hayley realizes that she does not get heard because she is not blonde. She dies her hair blonde so that she can get people to listen to her about her causes. She parties super hard, thinking that she is spreading awareness, but the people are not listening to her because the only reason they are talking to her is because she is pretty. She realizes that nobody is listening to her and frees the whales pulling the cruise ship she is on. She thinks she is helping but she ends up causing a huge oil spill. Stan becomes annoyed with all of the flyers being taped to his doors but then realizes how great the deals on them are. He decides to look for a new house. Stan and Steve go to a new house and hang out there but the guard dogs end up cornering him, but they get away. Stan sees that he would have to walk extremely far to get his mail and decides that it is not the right place to live.

More to come!

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