& The DJ Face

It’s pay day! Nobody is happy with their paycheck because it seems to be less than usual. Max had a booty call but Caroline thought he was an intruder so she kicked him in the balls. It comes out that Max & Sebastian don’t know each other’s names & do not want to know. Sebastian invites Max to see him DJ. Oleg is trying to win Sofie back but it’s not going too well. Sebastian invited Max & Caroline to see him DJ again & they go. They find out that he DJs at a Whole Foods market. Max is upset with Caroline because she did not want to know anything about him but now she knows this is his job. They see their boss dancing at the Whole Foods club. The girls leave before Sebastian sees him. Sofie came over with a Ouija board & asked if she souls get back with Oleg. Caroline sees someone she went to college with & hides. She ends up running into the girl & finding out she works as a cashier.

& the Reality Problem

A guy tries to rob the girls’ cupcake shop but Max gets pissed & goes on a rant & the robber ends up giving them $20. The rival cupcake shop went out of business. Their boss Han just got back from a restaurant convention. The girls get an offer from a woman that wants to film “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” at their cupcake shop. They go up to Sophie’s apartment to watch the show. They stayed up all night watching it. The Kardashians don’t end up going to the cupcake shop & Caroline & Max are angry & upset. Caroline got her hair stuck in her bed gears. Everyone goes to their apartment to help Caroline out. Meanwhile, Max threw a bunch of cupcakes at the Kardashian’s hotel & Kim tweets about it & a bunch of people show up to the cupcake shop. Then , Kim Kardashian shows up the shop & apologizes for not filming the show at the shop. She orders a cupcake, tips $100, promises to tweet a positive tweet about the business & tells Caroline that her new haircut looks nice.