“You elbowed my boobie!”

This is a video clip from the episode of American Dad called “Stanny Boy and Frantastic” The clip is of Stan and Francine. Stan and Francine did not have many friends in this episode so they decided to make some. They stole their daughter’s tickets to a show and sold them at the front door to the couple next to them and this happened. This is one of my favorite episodes and I am glad it came up in the search.

I suppose this video should not be available for commercial use because it is taken directly form the episode. I think it falls in the category of entertainment. It is a small portion of the episode so that favors fair use. I know that, on YouTube, you are allowed to play 10 seconds of a song before your video is flagged for copyright infringement. It is accessible on the Internet so it is falling more towards the “opposing fair use” category. Long story short, don’t steal people work. It’s really shitty to do and super uncool. When somebody makes something, they are proud of it and you should not use it without their permission! Have a good night everybody!

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